How does a football player make phone calls?

Customer: Why is this

| Waiter jokes

Customer: Why is this sandwich half eaten? Waiter: I didn't have time to finish it.

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Q: What do you get

| Dinosaur jokes

Q: What do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars? A: Tyrannosaurus wrecks!

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What kind of doctor does a duck

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What kind of doctor does a duck visit? A Ducktor.

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I tried to send an e-mail and broke my

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I tried to send an e-mail and broke my computer. How do you manage that? I think it was when I tried to push it through the letterbox.

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Q: How can you tell who is a

| Dirty jokes

Q: How can you tell who is a blonde's boyfriend? A: He's the one with the belt buckle that matches the impression in her forehead.

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How does a football player make phone calls? On a touch-down phone.