A manager was being interviewed after he had

What stories are told by basketball

| Sport jokes

What stories are told by basketball players? Tall stories!

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Why was the glow worm unhappy ?

| Insect jokes

Why was the glow worm unhappy ? Because her children weren't that bright !

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Which book makes prudish Gorillas

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Which book makes prudish Gorillas blush? The Naked Ape!

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Once there was a church that

| Face jokes

Once there was a church that had a bell that no one could ring. One day, a boy came and asked the priest if he could try. So the boy went up into the tower and ran straight into the bell, face-first. The bell tolled loud and clear. The shocked priest gave him the job. But one Sunday, he ran st

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What is the definition of Robin ?

| Bird jokes

What is the definition of Robin ? A bird who steals !

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A manager was being interviewed after he had resigned from a football club? “Were the crowd not behind you” asked the reporter “They were right behind me all right”, said the manager, “But I managed to shake them off at the station!”