Why did the alien phone home on his mobile?

How many fishermen does it take to change a

| Fishing jokes

How many fishermen does it take to change a light bulb? One, but you should have seen the bulb, it must have been THIS big.

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Q: What's the difference between a

| Blonde jokes

Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a supermarket trolley? A: The supermarket trolley has a mind of its own.

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Q: Why doesn't the dinosaur cross the road

| Dinosaur jokes

Q: Why doesn't the dinosaur cross the road anymore? A: Because their eggs stink. (They're extinct)

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Q: Why do women rub their eyes when they get up

| Dirty jokes

Q: Why do women rub their eyes when they get up in the morning? A: They don't have balls to scratch.

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| Heaven and hell jokes

Jay: Does the Bible say that if you smoke you can't get to heaven? Ted: No, but the more you smoke the quicker you'll get there.

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Why did the alien phone home on his mobile? Because it was so ET !