Q: How do you get a German out of the bath?
| Ethnic jokes
Q: How do you get a German out of the bath? A: Turn on the water.
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Why did Eve want to move to New York ?
| Apple jokes
Why did Eve want to move to New York ? She fell for the Big Apple !
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What is the Easter Bunny's favourite state
| Easter jokes
What is the Easter Bunny's favourite state capital? Albunny, New York!
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Patient: Doctor,
| Doctor and nurse jokes
Patient: Doctor, what should I do if my temperature goes up five more points? Doctor: Sell!
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How does a witch make scrambled eggs ?
| Witch jokes
How does a witch make scrambled eggs ? She holds the pan and gets two friends to make the stove shake with fright ! 'Owl be seeing you later.
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Why did the two boa constrictors get married ? Because they had a crush on each other !sna