Teacher : What are you doing,

The doctor comes to see his heart

| Accountant jokes

The doctor comes to see his heart transplant patient. "This is good news. It is very unusual, but we have two donors to choose from for your new heart." The patient is pleased. He asks, "What were their jobs?" "One was a teacher and the other was an accountant." "I'll take the accountant

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What does Santa say when he is sick?

| Christmas jokes

What does Santa say when he is sick? OH OH NO!

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Fireman rescued a

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Fireman rescued a man who was badly injured in a car accident. The entire left half of his body was torn off. He was taken to the hospital and examined. The doctors said he was all right. The nurses said there wasn't much left.

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The priest was preparing a man for his long

| Religious jokes

The priest was preparing a man for his long day's journey into night. Whispering firmly, the priest said, "Denounce the Devil! Let him know how little you think of his evil!" The dying man said nothing. The priest repeated his order. Still the dying man said nothing. The priest asked, "Why do you

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Did you hear about the sick ghost?

| Ghost jokes

Did you hear about the sick ghost? He had oooooo-ping cough.

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Teacher : What are you doing, crawling into school ten minutes late ? Pupil : Well you told me never to walk into school ten minutes late !