Teacher: Did your parents help you

A man happened to meet his ex-wife at a

| Marriage jokes

A man happened to meet his ex-wife at a party, and after a few drinks, he suggested that they might have another try at marriage. His ex-wife sneered in reply, "Over my dead body !" He downed his drink and replied, "Well, I see you haven't changed one little bit."

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Why did the Pilgrims eat turkey on

| Various animal jokes

Why did the Pilgrims eat turkey on Thanksgiving? They couldn't get the moose in the oven!

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Which aardvark holds the speed record?

| Aardvark jokes

Which aardvark holds the speed record? The nearsighted aardvark, who wrapped his tongue around a motorcycle!

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Q: When a 16-inch

| Music jokes

Q: When a 16-inch viola and a 17-inch viola are dropped simultaneously from a 30-story building, which one hits the pavement first? A: Who cares!

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Why did the witch go to the

| Mental health jokes

Why did the witch go to the psychiatrist? Because she thought everybody loved her.

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Teacher: Did your parents help you with these homework problems? Pupil: No I got them all wrong by myself!