Pupil: The

Why can't a bicycle stand up by

| Bicycle jokes

Why can't a bicycle stand up by itself? Because it is two-tired (too tired).

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When Joe's wife ran away with his car, his

| Marriage jokes

When Joe's wife ran away with his car, his money and his best friend, he got so depressed that his doctor sent him to see a psychiatrist. Joe told the psychiatrist his troubles and said, "Life isn't worth living. I think I'm gonna top myself." "Don't be stupid, Joe," said the psychiatrist. "My

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Q: How many Hillary Clintons

| Clinton jokes

Q: How many Hillary Clintons does it take to change a light bulb? A: One--she just holds the bulb and the world revolves around her.

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Why did the vampire stand

| Vampire jokes

Why did the vampire stand at the bus stop with his finger up his nose? He was a ghoulsnif fer.

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Mr Monster:

| Monster jokes

Mr Monster: Oi, hurry up with my supper. Mrs Monster: Oh, do be quiet I've only got three pairs of hands.

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Pupil: The art teacher doesn’t like what I’m making ? Dad: Why is that, what are you making ? Pupil: Mistakes !