Did they play tennis in ancient Egypt?

Which aardvark holds the speed record?

| Aardvark jokes

Which aardvark holds the speed record? The nearsighted aardvark, who wrapped his tongue around a motorcycle!

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Art Teacher: The picture of the horse is good,

| School jokes

Art Teacher: The picture of the horse is good, but where is the wagon ? Pupil: The horse will draw it !

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McNally was taking his first plane ride,

| Aviation jokes

McNally was taking his first plane ride, flying over the Rocky Mountains. The stewardess handed him a piece of chewing gum. "It's to keep your ears from popping at high altitudes," she explains. When the plane landed McNally rushed up to her. "Miss," he said, "I'm meetin' me wife right away. H

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Q: Why did the blond quit his restroom

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Q: Why did the blond quit his restroom attendant job? A: He couldn't figure out how to refill the hand dryer!

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Q: How do you drown a blonde?

| Blonde jokes

Q: How do you drown a blonde? A: When he asks for a lifesaver, ask him what flavor he wants.

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Did they play tennis in ancient Egypt? Yes, the bible tells how Joseph served in Pharoah’s court!