A college business

What is a baby bee ?

| Insect jokes

What is a baby bee ? A little humbug !

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Farmer: What would you do if a bull charged

| Money jokes

Farmer: What would you do if a bull charged you? Mary: I'd pay whatever it charged.

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Customer: Why did

| Hair and bald jokes

Customer: Why did you take off so much hair? Barber: I didn't, nature beat me to it.

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What do you get if you cross the Lone Ranger

| Insect jokes

What do you get if you cross the Lone Ranger with an insect ? The Masked-quito !

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Did you ever

| Dirty jokes

Did you ever blow bubbles as as child? Yeh, well he's back in town and wants your new number.

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A college business professor could not help but notice that one of his students was late to class for the third time that week. Before class ended he went around the room asking students some questions about the day’s lecture. Of course, he made sure to pick on his tardy pupil. “And who was it that developed the theories behind communism?” the professor asked. “I don’t know,” the student said. “Perhaps if you came to class on time, Mr. Reebs, you would know,” said the professor. “That’s not true,” the student replied. “I never pay attention anyway!”