Why was the centipede late ?
| Insect jokes
Why was the centipede late ? Because he was playing "This little Piggy" with his baby brother !
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Teacher: Why is the Mississippi
| School jokes
Teacher: Why is the Mississippi such an unusual river? Pupil: Because it has four eyes and can't see!
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What should you do if you are on a picnic
| King Kong jokes
What should you do if you are on a picnic with King Kong? Give him the biggest bananas.
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How is a woman like a condom?
| Dirty jokes
How is a woman like a condom? Both of them spend more time in your wallet than on your dick.
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A psychologist is at
| Mental health jokes
A psychologist is at a party talking with a small group of people, when a man comes up behind him and taps him on the shoulder. The psychologist turns around and the man hauls off and decks him. The psychologist gets up, brushes himself off, turns to the group and declares: "That's his prob
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Q. Who is the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible? A. David. He rocked Goliath to sleep.