Republicans spends hundreds of dollars and

How come youre only

| Idiot and fool jokes

How come youre only watering half your lawn? a perplexed tourist asked a Richmond resident. "I just heard there was a fifty percent chance of rain."

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Q. What's the difference

| Music jokes

Q. What's the difference between a lawnmower and a bagpipe? A. You can tune the lawnmower, and the owner's neighbors are upset if you borrow the lawnmower and don't return it.

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Kennen was having a drink in a saloon

| Idiot and fool jokes

Kennen was having a drink in a saloon when his neighbor, Stakely, came rushing in. "Ah think somebody's stealin' yore pickup truck!" the man said breathlessly. Kennan ran outside, but came back right away. "Well, did yew stop him?" asked Stakely. "Naw!" said the redneck. "He was too fast. But

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What's a fresh vegetable? One that insults a

| Food jokes

What's a fresh vegetable? One that insults a farmer.

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How do whales type e-mails?

| E-mail jokes

How do whales type e-mails? With their fish fingers.

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Republicans spends hundreds of dollars and hours of work decorating the yard with outdoor lights and Christmas displays. Democrats save their time and money, and drive around at night to look at *other* people’s lights.