When I saw you driving down the

What do you get when you cross Bambi with a

| Ghost jokes

What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost? Bamboo.

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Q: Why do Polish hate

| Ethnic jokes

Q: Why do Polish hate Cauchy's dog? (hint on Cauchy-Riemann theorem) A: Because it leaves residues at each Pole.

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What 8-letter word has one

| Letter jokes

What 8-letter word has one letter in it? Envelope.

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First Kangaroo: How do you tell the

| Various animal jokes

First Kangaroo: How do you tell the difference between an elephant and a rhinoceros? Second Kangaroo: The elephant has a better memory.

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A cop pulls a guy over for weaving across two

| Police jokes

A cop pulls a guy over for weaving across two lanes of traffic. He walks up to the drivers window and asks, "You drinkin'?" The driver said, "You buyin'?"

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When I saw you driving down the road, I guessed 55 at least. “You’re wrong, officer, it’s only my hat that makes me look that old.”