A strained voice called out through the

What do you call an elephant that can't do

| Elephant jokes

What do you call an elephant that can't do sums ? Dumbo !

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When do rabbits have buck teeth?

| Rabbit jokes

When do rabbits have buck teeth? When their parents won't get them braces.

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Why is the time in the USA behind that of England

| Time jokes

Why is the time in the USA behind that of England ? Because England was discovered before the USA !

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What is yellow and goes bzzzzzz?

| Banana jokes

What is yellow and goes bzzzzzz? An electric banana.

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Q: Why are people in Arkansas having peanut

| Clinton jokes

Q: Why are people in Arkansas having peanut butter and jelly for Thanksgiving this year? A: Because they can't afford any more pork.

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A strained voice called out through the darkened theater, “Please, is there a doctor in the house?!” Several men stood up as the lights came on. An older lady pulled her daughter to stand next to her, “Good, are any of you doctors single and interested in a date with a good, Jewish girl?”