Q: How many over eager PA’s does it take

Why don't tornadoes watch Bill O'Reilly on

| Weather jokes

Why don't tornadoes watch Bill O'Reilly on FOXNEWS? -It is a no spin zone

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One day the bass player hid one of the

| Music jokes

One day the bass player hid one of the drummer's sticks. The drummer said, "finally! After being a drummer for so long, now I am a conductor!"

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Why was six scared of seven? Because seven ate

| Humor jokes

Why was six scared of seven? Because seven ate nine.

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What should you do

| Dirty jokes

What should you do if your girlfriend starts smoking? Slow down and use a lubricant.

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Why did the witch go to the

| Mental health jokes

Why did the witch go to the psychiatrist? Because she thought everybody loved her.

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Q: How many over eager PA’s does it take to screw in a li… A: Done!