Is there a mouse in the house ?

A stupid bank robber rushed into a bank,

| Criminal jokes

A stupid bank robber rushed into a bank, pointed two fingers at the clerk and said, "This is a muck up!" "Don't you mean a stick up?" asked the girl. "No," said the robber, "it's a muckup. I've forgotten my gun."

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Little monster:

| Monster jokes

Little monster: Mom, Mom, what's for tea? Mother monster: Shut up and get back in the microwave.

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Johnny comes back from school crying and says,

| School jokes

Johnny comes back from school crying and says, "Mommy all the kids in the school say I have a big head." His mother replies, "No you don't Johnny. You have a hideously deformed head. The other children are merely hiding the truth to protect your feelings."

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The Strongman

| Book title jokes

The Strongman by Everhard Muscles

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A policeman came upon a super-salesman about

| Salesmen jokes

A policeman came upon a super-salesman about to jump from a bridge and yelled, "Wait, Fellow! Please don't do that !!!" The salesman said, "Why not ?" and proceeded to expound on his views on the shaky economy, declining family life and Clinton politics. Shortly thereafter, they both jumpe

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Is there a mouse in the house ? No, but there’s a moose on the loose !