Why is money called dough?

A man learned shortly before quitting

| Car and train jokes

A man learned shortly before quitting time that he had to attend a meeting. He tried unsuccessfully to locate his car-pool members to let them know that he would not be leaving with them. Hastily he scribbled a message to one fellow and left it on his desk: "I have a last-minute meeting. Leav

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Three guys are

| Dirty jokes

Three guys are drinking in a bar when a drunk comes in, staggers up to them, and points at the guy in the middle, shouting, "Your mom's the best sex in town!" Everyone expects a fight, but the guy ignores him, so the drunk wanders off and bellies up to the bar at the far end. Ten minutes late

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Out for the Count

| Book title jokes

Out for the Count by Esau Stars

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Which route should you take through the woods

| Horse jokes

Which route should you take through the woods when riding a fizzy horse? The psycho-path!

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During a visit to a military medical clinic,

| Military jokes

During a visit to a military medical clinic, I was sent to the lab to have blood drawn. The technician there was friendly and mentioned that his mood improved every day because he was due to leave the service in two months. As he applied the tourniquet on my arm, he told me that taking the blo

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Why is money called dough? Because we all knead it.