
What do you call a smart ant ?

| Ant jokes

What do you call a smart ant ? Elegant !

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A Hoosier, a Kentuckian and

| Spelling jokes

A Hoosier, a Kentuckian and a West Virginian were on a Hollywood TV quiz show. The host asked them to complete the sentence: "Old MacDonald had a ..." The Indianan said, "Old MacDonald had a carburetor." "Sorry," said the MC. "That's incorrect." "Old MacDonald had a flat tire," said the Kentuc

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How can you tell the difference between a

| Banana jokes

How can you tell the difference between a monster and a banana? Try picking it up. If you can't, it's either a monster or a giant banana.

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What should a rabbit use to keep his fur neat?

| Rabbit jokes

What should a rabbit use to keep his fur neat? A harebrush.

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Why was the lion-tamer fined ?

| Various animal jokes

Why was the lion-tamer fined ? He parked on a yellow lion !

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Ted said to his friend, ‘can you lend me $10?’ ‘But I only have $8,’ his friend replied. That’s OK, you can always owe me the other $2!