How did the man feel when he got a big bill from

What powerful reptile is found in

| Various animal jokes

What powerful reptile is found in the Sydney opera house ? The Lizard of Oz !

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Q: Four Dallas Cowboys in a car,

| Sport jokes

Q: Four Dallas Cowboys in a car, who's driving? A: The police.

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An airplane was losing altitude

| Aviation jokes

An airplane was losing altitude over the Rocky Mountains. The pilot over the intercom said that the entire luggage needed to be thrown overboard if they were to survive. After all the luggage was thrown the plane was still going down so they asked for volunteers. A man from Paris went to the do

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What does a Chihuahua play basketball with?

| Dog jokes

What does a Chihuahua play basketball with? A tennis ball!

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Doctor, Doctor

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Doctor, Doctor I'm having trouble with my breathing. I'll give you something that will soon put a stop to that!

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How did the man feel when he got a big bill from the electric company? He was shocked.