How many Dependent P.D. does to take to

What would you get if you crossed Halloween

| Halloween jokes

What would you get if you crossed Halloween with Christmas? A ghoul Yule!

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A flea jumped over the swinging doors of a

| Insect jokes

A flea jumped over the swinging doors of a saloon, drank three whiskeys and jumped out again. He picked himself up from the dirt, dusted himself down and said, "OK, who moved my dog?"

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Have you seen

| Internet jokes

Have you seen No, I'll ketchup with it later.

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Q. What do you call a blonde in a leather

| Blonde jokes

Q. What do you call a blonde in a leather jacket? A. A rebel without a clue!

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What did Adam say to Eve?

| Dirty jokes

What did Adam say to Eve? Stand back, I don't know how big this thing gets!

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How many Dependent P.D. does to take to change a lightbulb? None, he’s still clinging to the old lightbulb.