What do you do if you fiend King Kong in the

Father Christmas:I

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Father Christmas:I like the story about the girl who steals from the rich and gives it all to Granny. Elf: That's Little Red Robin Hood'!

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What would you get if you crossed a monster

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What would you get if you crossed a monster with a Thanksgiving dessert? Bumpkin pie!

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Nurse: Doctor, there is a man in the

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Nurse: Doctor, there is a man in the waiting room with a glass eye named Brown. Doctor: What does he call his other eye?'

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What kind of sharks make good

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What kind of sharks make good carpenters? Hammerheads!

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A University had advertised for two

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A University had advertised for two biologists to help in their mammalogy department, specifically with a group of captive grizzly bears. They had only two applicants - a beautiful young women biologist and an older male biologist. The mammalogist in charge of the project knew that not ever

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What do you do if you fiend King Kong in the kitchen? Just don’t monkey with him.