Judge: Your first marriage

Customer: Why doesn't this

| Waiter jokes

Customer: Why doesn't this restaurant have any specials? Waiter: Because nothing about this food is special.

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What language do the

| Religious jokes

What language do the Vatican Police speak? Pig Latin!

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Two men were in a restaurant and ordered

| Restaurant jokes

Two men were in a restaurant and ordered fish. The waiter brought a dish with two fish, one larger than the other. One of the men said to the other, "Please help yourself." The other one said "Okay", and helped himself to the larger fish. After a tense silence, the first one said, "really, n

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Auntie Maud bought herself a new

| Car and train jokes

Auntie Maud bought herself a new rear-engine European car. She took an old friend for a drive, but after only half a mile the car broke down. Both women got out and opened up the front of the car. "Oh. Maud," said her friend, "you've lost your engine!" "Never mind, dear," said auntie. "I've

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Where is a tornado put in jail to be

| Weather jokes

Where is a tornado put in jail to be punished? -In a high pressure cell

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Judge: Your first marriage was terminated by death? A: Yes, by death. Judge: And by whose death was it terminated?