Q: How many publishers does it take to

What do cows like to do at amoosement parks?

| Cow jokes

What do cows like to do at amoosement parks? Ride on the roller cowster.

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Where did the Easter Bunny go to college?

| Easter jokes

Where did the Easter Bunny go to college? Johns Hopkins!

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Policeman: Did you

| Criminal jokes

Policeman: Did you know your vehicle was reported stolen? Criminal: It wasn't when I took it.

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Who do hamburgers love on TV?

| Burger jokes

Who do hamburgers love on TV? Archie Bunker's son-in-law, the meathead!

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What's the difference between a biscuit and a

| Food jokes

What's the difference between a biscuit and a monster? You can dip a biscuit in your tea, but a monster is too big to fit in the cup.

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Q: How many publishers does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Three. One to screw it in and two more to hold down the editor.