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If athletes get athlete's foot, then what

| Space jokes

If athletes get athlete's foot, then what do astronauts get? Missile toe.

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What is uglier than an aardvark?

| Aardvark jokes

What is uglier than an aardvark? Two aardvarks!

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Fred: I'd love to be an

| Movie and TV jokes

Fred: I'd love to be an actress. Harry: Break a leg then! Amy: Whatever for? Fred: Then you'd be in a cast for weeks.

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Mama bear to Papa bear:

| Various animal jokes

Mama bear to Papa bear: "Well... You might call it hibernating -- I call it 'goofing off'."

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What happened to the man who owned a riding

| Horse jokes

What happened to the man who owned a riding academy? Business kept falling off!

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Have you seen www.dustbin.com? Yes, but it’s a load of rubbish.