An idiot decided to start a chicken

Will you come to my party on

| Birthday jokes

Will you come to my party on Saturday? Yes, please, What's the address? 25 The High Street. Just push the bell with your elbow. Why with my elbow? Well, you won't be empty-handed, will you!

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After the Great Britain Beer

| Bar jokes, beer, booze and fun!

After the Great Britain Beer Festival, in London, all the brewery presidents decided to go out for a beer. The guy from Corona sits down and says, "Hey Senor, I would like the world's best beer, a Corona." The bartender dusts off a bottle from the shelf and gives it to him. The guy from Bud

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As two boys

| Children jokes

As two boys were passing the rectory, the minister leaned over the wall and showed them a ball. "Is this yours" he asked "Did it do any damage" asked one of the boys "No" replied the minister "Then it's mine !"

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| School jokes

Teacher: Can anyone tell me how many seconds there are in a year? Pupil: 12 - 2nd January, 2nd February...!

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An American tourist found himself in a sleepy

| Old age jokes

An American tourist found himself in a sleepy country village, and asked one of the locals the age of the oldest inhabitant. "Well, sir," replied the villager, "we ain't got one now. He died last week."

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An idiot decided to start a chicken farm, so he bought a hundred chickens to start. A month later, he returned to the dealer for another hundred chickens because all of the first lot had died. A month later he was back at the dealers for another hundred chickens for the second lot had also died. “But I think I know where I’m going wrong,” said the idiot. “I think I am planting them too deep.”