A Cowboy was going deer hunting.. His blonde

The big bang

| Book title jokes

The big bang by Dina Mite

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An ideal homework excuse

| School jokes

An ideal homework excuse Teacher: Where is your homework? Pupil: I was mugged on the way to school and the mugger took everything I had

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Q: What do you call a blonde

| Blonde jokes

Q: What do you call a blonde in a leather jacket? A: Married.

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Q. What kind of motor vehicles are in the

| Religious jokes

Q. What kind of motor vehicles are in the Bible? A. Jehovah drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in a Fury.

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This morning I felt that today was going to be

| Humor jokes

This morning I felt that today was going to be my lucky day. I got up at seven, had seven dollars in my pocket, there were seven of us at lunch and there were seven horses in the seven o'clock race - so I backed the seventh. Did it win? No, it came seventh.

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A Cowboy was going deer hunting.. His blonde wife said she was going with him.. That they never did anything together.. So, they went.. He put her in a stand by herself.. Later in the morning he heard her shoot.. He went over to her stand and she was pointing her rifle at a guy with a cowboy hat on.. The guy was telling her, Ma’mm, you can have the deer you shot.. I just want to take my saddle off of him!