What did one bell say to the other?

What is a ghost favorite fruit ?

| Banana jokes

What is a ghost favorite fruit ? Boonanaa !

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When Ben hit his thumb with a hammer he

| Parent jokes

When Ben hit his thumb with a hammer he let out a few choice words. Shocked by her son's outburst, his mother said, "Don't you dare use that kind of language in here." "William Shakespeare did," replied Ben. "Well, you'd better stop going around with him," said Mom.

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Why don't cannibals eat comedians?

| Cannibal jokes

Why don't cannibals eat comedians? They taste funny.

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Why do hamburgers make good

| Burger jokes

Why do hamburgers make good baseball players? They're great at the plate!

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Bob: Did you hear about the camper who was

| Humor jokes

Bob: Did you hear about the camper who was killed by a garter snake? Betty: That's impossible. A garter snake is not poisonous. Bob: It doesn't have to be if it can make you jump off a cliff!

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What did one bell say to the other? “Be my valenchime!”