Mad men are given a test to prove they are

A fish walks into a bar, the bartender

| Various animal jokes

A fish walks into a bar, the bartender asks, "What would you like?" the fish says holding his neck, "Water".

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If your watch is broken, why can't you go

| Time jokes

If your watch is broken, why can't you go fishing? Because you don't have the time.

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The patient: Tell me, is it true that

| Doctor and nurse jokes

The patient: Tell me, is it true that alcohol decreases blood pressure? Doctor: Yes, that is true. P: And, is it true that coffee increases blood pressure? D: Yes, that is also true. P: So, in average, I live normally.

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What has 2,000 eyes and 4,000 feet?

| Dog jokes

What has 2,000 eyes and 4,000 feet? A thousand dogs.

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I remember when Father Christmas first

| Christmas jokes

I remember when Father Christmas first passed his sleigh-driving test. He came skidding down in front of the toy factory.Have you passed?' I asked. Father Christmas pointly proudly to the front of the sleigh. 'See for yourself! he called proudly. 'No-el plates!

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Mad men are given a test to prove they are getting normal their teacher draws a door on the wall and orders them to go out. They tart fighting but one remains sitting and the teacher goes to him and asks why he didn’t join others and he says “let them fight they forgot I have the keys”