Why is it that when you're driving and
| Answer me this jokes
Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn the radio down?
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What do you get when you cross a bell with a
| Insect jokes
What do you get when you cross a bell with a bee? A humdinger.
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If - H 2 O - is on the inside of
| Firefighter jokes
If - H 2 O - is on the inside of a fire hydrant, what is on the outside? K 9 P'
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Are you in
| School jokes
Are you in the top half of your class ? No, I'm one of the students who make the top half possible !
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What do you call a person who falls onto
| Car and train jokes
What do you call a person who falls onto you on a train ? A laplander !
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A man went in to the bank and asked to see the man who arranged the loans. ‘I’m sorry, sir,’ said a cashier, ‘the loan arranger is out to lunch. ‘Can I speak to Tonto, then?’ asked the man.