What happens when ducks fly upside
| Bird jokes
What happens when ducks fly upside down ? They quack up !
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What's as big as an elephant but
| Elephant jokes
What's as big as an elephant but weighs nothing ? An elephant's shadow !
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What salesman has the slickest line?
| Salesmen jokes
What salesman has the slickest line? A hair grease salesman.
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Why did the banana go out with the
| Banana jokes
Why did the banana go out with the prune? Because he couldn't find a date.
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Did you hear about the
| Vampire jokes
Did you hear about the vampire who had an eye for the ladies? He used to keep it in his back pocket.
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A gang of witches broke into a blood bank last night and stole a thousand pints of blood. Police are still hunting for the clots.