What happened to the man who owned a riding

Crazy Aunt Maud received a letter one morning,

| Letter jokes

Crazy Aunt Maud received a letter one morning, and upon reading it burst into floods of tears. "What's the matter?" asked her companion. "Oh dear," sobbed Auntie, "It's my favorite nephew. He's got three feet." "Three feet?" exclaimed her friend. "Surely that's not possible?" "Well," said A

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Woman: Why are you begging for a

| History jokes

Woman: Why are you begging for a quarter? Beggar: I didn't think someone like you would give me a dollar.

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Why did the pig run away from the pig

| Pig jokes

Why did the pig run away from the pig sty? He felt that the other pigs were taking him for grunted.

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Doctor, Doctor will this ointment

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Doctor, Doctor will this ointment clear up my spots? I never make rash promises!

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Who has

| Dentist jokes

Who has the most dangerous job in Transylvania? Dracula's dentist.

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What happened to the man who owned a riding academy? Business kept falling off!