How much money did the bronco have?

Did you hear about the unlucky

| Banana jokes

Did you hear about the unlucky man who bought some bananas? They were empty.

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What do you call pigs in a demolition derby?

| Pig jokes

What do you call pigs in a demolition derby? Crashing boars.

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What is a black cat's favourite TV show

| Cat jokes

What is a black cat's favourite TV show ? Miami Mice !

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Little Tim

| Cat jokes

Little Tim was in the garden filling in a hole when his neighbor peered over the fence. Interested in what the cheeky-faced youngster was up to, he politely asked, "Whatcha doing, Tim?" "My goldfish died," replied the boy tearfully, without looking up. "And I've just buried him." The neighb

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If there are any idiots in the room, will they

| School jokes

If there are any idiots in the room, will they please stand up said the sarcastic teacher. After a long silence, one freshman rose to his feet. "Now then mister, why do you consider yourself an idiot?" enquired the teacher with a sneer. "Well, actually I don't," said the student, "but I h

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How much money did the bronco have? Only a buck!