What happened to the girl who

A farmer

| Farmer jokes

A farmer was interviewing a young man for the job of assistant farmhand. `You'll need to be fit,' said the farmer. `Have you ever had any illnesses? Any accidents?' 'No, sir,' replied the young man proudly. `But you're on crutches. You must have had an accident! said the farmer. `Oh, the

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Why was the

| Cannibal jokes

Why was the cannibal looking peeky? Because he had just eaten a Chinese dog!

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How does a farmer send messages?

| Farmer jokes

How does a farmer send messages? By e-i-e-i-o-mail.

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What happened when a ghost asked for a brandy at

| Ghost jokes

What happened when a ghost asked for a brandy at his local pub? The landlord said "Sorry, we don't serve spirits."

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What do you call an aardvark that's been

| Aardvark jokes

What do you call an aardvark that's been thrown out of a pub? A barredvark!

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What happened to the girl who wore a mouse costume to her Halloween party? The cat ate her.