How do you stop a

Doctor: Your system needs freshening up a bit. I

| Bath jokes

Doctor: Your system needs freshening up a bit. I suggest you take a cold bath every morning. Patient: Oh, but I do, doctor. Doctor: You do? Patient: Yes, every morning I take a nice cold bath and fill it with nice hot water!

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What lives in gum trees ?

| Insect jokes

What lives in gum trees ? Stick insects !

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Strong Winds by Gail Force

| Book title jokes

Strong Winds by Gail Force

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A man is driving down the road for a

| Car and train jokes

A man is driving down the road for a long period of time. During his travel, he sees a priest with a gas can hitch hiking, so he gladly picks him up he says,"Normally father, i dont pick up hitch hikers. You seem like a man of dignity so i thought id make an exception. In fact i hate hitc

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Police Chief: As a recruit, you'll be faced

| Police jokes

Police Chief: As a recruit, you'll be faced with some difficult issues. What would you do if you had to arrest your mother? New Recruit: Call for backup!

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How do you stop a thundering herd of Apes? Hold up your arm and say ‘Go back, you didn’t say ‘May I?