What’s a frogs favourite flower ?

What two words have thousands of letters in

| Letter jokes

What two words have thousands of letters in them? Post office.

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Two men died and went to Heaven. St.

| Heaven and hell jokes

Two men died and went to Heaven. St. Peter greeted them, and said "I'm sorry, gentlemen, but your mansions aren't ready yet. Until they are, I can send you back to Earth as whatever you want to be." "Great!" said the first guy, "I want to be an eagle soaring above beautiful scenery!" "No prob

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I remember when the

| Birthday jokes

I remember when the candle shop burned down. Everyone stood around singing Happy Birthday.

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Waiter: If you know the

| Waiter jokes

Waiter: If you know the food here is so lousy, why do you keep coming back? Customer: It reminds me of my ex-wife's cooking.

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What song does a car radio play?

| Car and train jokes

What song does a car radio play? A cartoon (car, tune).

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What’s a frogs favourite flower ? A croakus !