What ghost is handy in the

When you go for a bus ride, do you like sitting

| Bus jokes

When you go for a bus ride, do you like sitting upstairs or downstairs? I prefer to ride on top, but it's very hard getting the horse up the stairs.

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Q: How many fire safety

| Movie and TV jokes

Q: How many fire safety guys dose it take to screw in a light bulb? A: One -- but it's an 8 hour minimum.

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Recruits were shocked at the language the

| Military jokes

Recruits were shocked at the language the sergeant used in their unit. During a smoke break one young soldier asked: "Sergeant, where did you le-arn your language?" "Learnit, hell, it's a gift," proudly informed the NCO.

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What kind of tiles can't you stick on

| Various animal jokes

What kind of tiles can't you stick on walls ? Reptiles !

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On what should you mount a statue of your cat

| Cat jokes

On what should you mount a statue of your cat ? A caterpillar !

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What ghost is handy in the kitchen? A recipe spook.