Boy monster: You’ve got a face like a million

Boy to Friend: I'm sorry, I won't be able to

| School jokes

Boy to Friend: I'm sorry, I won't be able to go out after school. I promised Dad that I would stay in and help him with my homework.

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A knight and his

| Dirty jokes

A knight and his men returned to their castle after a hard day of fighting. "How are we faring?" asked the king. "Sire!" replied the knight, "I have been robbing and pillaging on your behalf all day, burning the towns of your enemies to the west." "What?" shrieked the king, "I don't have any

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Recruits were shocked at the language the

| Military jokes

Recruits were shocked at the language the sergeant used in their unit. During a smoke break one young soldier asked: "Sergeant, where did you le-arn your language?" "Learnit, hell, it's a gift," proudly informed the NCO.

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Do vampires get AIDS?

| Answer me this jokes

Do vampires get AIDS?

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When is your birthday?

| Birthday jokes

When is your birthday? 17th January. What year? Every year!

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Boy monster: You’ve got a face like a million dollars ! Girl monster: Have I really ? Boy monster: Yes – it’s green and wrinkly !