Once a Sardarji (a caste man in India ) goes

Who do zombie cowboys fight?

| Cowboy jokes

Who do zombie cowboys fight? Deadskins.

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Q: Why can't the

| Farmer jokes

Q: Why can't the bankrupt cowboy complain? A: He has got no beef.

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What do

| Blonde jokes

What do you do when a blonde throws a grenade at you? Pull the pin and throw it back!

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Q: Why don't blondes eat Jelly?

| Blonde jokes

Q: Why don't blondes eat Jelly? A: They put tacks in their shoulder pads.

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Q: What has got four legs and an arm?

| Dog jokes

Q: What has got four legs and an arm? - A: A Rottweiler in a playground.

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Once a Sardarji (a caste man in India ) goes to visit a temple on a top of Mt. Abu, where the roads are like a zig-zag. At the starting point towards the Temple, a man tells Sardarji that it will be better to take his car in reverse to the top of Mt. Abu as there will be no space at the top to turn around up there. So, as per the guidelines given by the man, The Sardarji, goes to the top of Mt. Abu in reverse. After sometime the Sardarji comes down of the hill in reverse.. When the man sees him, he asks the Sardarji why he came down the hill in a reverse gear. The Sardarji replies that he got some space at the top of the hill so he reversed his car.