Which dog eats with its tail?

Q. What has

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Q. What has seventy-five balls and screws old ladies? A. Bingo!

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What did the snake say when he was offered a piece of cheese for dinner? Thank you, I'll just have a slither.

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What's Up, Doc? by

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What's Up, Doc? by Howie Dewin

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What word grows smaller when you add two

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A cop is staking out a bar

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A cop is staking out a bar for drunk drivers. At closing time, he sees a guy stumble out of the bar, trip on the curb, and fumble for his keys for five minutes. When he finally gets in, it takes him another five minutes to get the key in the ignition. Meanwhile, everybody else leaves the bar and

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Which dog eats with its tail? All dogs keep their tails on when eating.