Where do you usually find dogs?

Would you like a duck egg for supper?

| Food jokes

Would you like a duck egg for supper? Only if you quack it for me.

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One day the bass player hid one of the

| Music jokes

One day the bass player hid one of the drummer's sticks. The drummer said, "finally! After being a drummer for so long, now I am a conductor!"

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What car do insects drive?

| Car and train jokes

What car do insects drive? A Volkswagen automobile.

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Q: Why do blondes drive VWs?

| Blonde jokes

Q: Why do blondes drive VWs? A: Because they can spell it.

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What do you get if you cross a baby with soldiers

| Baby jokes

What do you get if you cross a baby with soldiers ? Infantry !

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Where do you usually find dogs? It all depends on where you lose them.