What looks like a dog, sounds like a dog, eats

What is the difference between a horse and a

| Horse jokes

What is the difference between a horse and a duck? One goes quick and the other goes quack!

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Dispatcher: Nine-one-one

| Police jokes

Dispatcher: Nine-one-one Caller: Hi, is this the police? Dispatcher: This is 911. Do you need police assistance? Caller: Well, I don't know who to call. Can you tell me how to cook a turkey? I've never cooked one before.

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What do most people do when they see a python ?

| Snake jokes

What do most people do when they see a python ? They re-coil !

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A man trying to get on an overcrowded bus was

| Bus jokes

A man trying to get on an overcrowded bus was pushed off by the people inside. There's no room,' they said. 'It's full up! 'But you must let me on! shouted the man. 'Why, what's so special about you?' they asked. I'm the driver,' replied the man.

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Q: How many Liberal Democrats does it take

| Political jokes

Q: How many Liberal Democrats does it take to change a lightbulb ? A: None. "Well it's not really a question of should we change it or should we not change the lightbulb, but more a question of...(blah blah waffle)"

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What looks like a dog, sounds like a dog, eats like a dog, but isn’t a dog? A pup.