Two Scottish nuns have just arrived in the USA by

Who writes hit musicals on the

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Who writes hit musicals on the Internet? Andrew Lloyd Webber.

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Two blondes were in a parking lot trying to

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Two blondes were in a parking lot trying to unlock the door of their car with a coat hanger. First Blonde: "I can't seem to get this door unlocked! Second Blonde: Well you better hurry up. It's starting to rain and the top is down!

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Cannibal Boy: I've brought a friend

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Cannibal Boy: I've brought a friend home for dinner. Cannibal Mom: Put him in the fridge and we'll have him tomorrow.

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Contrary to what people say,

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Contrary to what people say, you can indeed drink to relax. Of course sometimes, you get so calm, you can't move.

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Which of Santa's reindeers needs to mind

| Christmas jokes

Which of Santa's reindeers needs to mind his manners the most? "Rude"olph'

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Two Scottish nuns have just arrived in the USA by boat and one says to the other, “I hear that the occupants of this country actually eat dogs.” “Odd,” her companion replies, “but if we shall live in America, we might as well do as the Americans do.” Nodding emphatically, the mother superior points to a hot dog vendor and they both walk toward him. “Two dogs, please,” says one. The vendor is only too pleased to oblige and he wraps both hot dogs in oil. Excited, the nuns hurry over to a bench and begin to unwrap their ‘dogs. The mother superior is first to open hers. Staring at it for a moment, she leans over to the other nun and whispers cautiously, “What part did you get?”