Fireman rescued a

First witch: Here's a banana

| Spelling jokes

First witch: Here's a banana if you can spell it. Second witch: I can spell banana. I just don't know when to stop.

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Policeman: Didn't you see

| Car and train jokes

Policeman: Didn't you see the signs with the speed limit? Driver: I thought they were just suggestions.

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Who sends flowers on Valentines Day?

| Pig jokes

Who sends flowers on Valentines Day? Cupigs!

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Did the bionic

| Brother and sister jokes

Did the bionic monster have a brother ? No, but he had lots of trans-sisters!

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Three guys are debating about which of their

| Ethnic jokes

Three guys are debating about which of their languages is the most pleasing to the ear. The Spaniard says, "Consider the word for 'butterfly'. In Spanish, it is pronounced 'Mariposa', a beautiful sounding word." The French man says, "True, but Papillion, the French word for butterfly, is ev

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Fireman rescued a man who was badly injured in a car accident. The entire left half of his body was torn off. He was taken to the hospital and examined. The doctors said he was all right. The nurses said there wasn’t much left.