Doctor, Doctor I’ve got bad teeth,

What do you call a ghost with a broken

| Ghost jokes

What do you call a ghost with a broken leg? Hoblin Goblin.

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Q: What is the difference between a hog

| Dirty jokes

Q: What is the difference between a hog and a man? A: A hog doesn't have to sit in a bar and buy drinks all night just so he can f*** some pig.

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At the Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce meeting

| Money jokes

At the Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce meeting the treasurer reported a deficit of two hundred dollars. One of the chamber members stood up and said, "I vote that we donate half of it to the Red Cross and then give the other fifty dollars to the Salvation Army."

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The desk

| Funny jokes - 50 best jokes

The desk sergeant answered the phone, and at once a woman began screaming. "You've got to help me! There's a giant gray thing in my yard, and it's pulling apples off the tree with its tail!" "What's he doing with the apples?" the sergeant asked. "If I told you," the woman cried, "you wouldn'

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What do polar bears have for lunch ?

| Various animal jokes

What do polar bears have for lunch ? Ice burger !

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Doctor, Doctor I’ve got bad teeth, foul breath and smelly feet. Sounds like you’ve got Foot and Mouth disease!