This blonde and her boyfriend

Teacher: I said to draw a cow eating some

| Children jokes

Teacher: I said to draw a cow eating some grass but you've only drawn the cow ? Pupil: Yes, the cow ate all the grass !

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When is the

| Dog jokes

When is the most likely time that a stray dog will walk into your house ? When the door is open !

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This guy is selling three parrots. Another

| Business jokes

This guy is selling three parrots. Another guy who wants to buy a parrot approaches him and asks, "How much are your parrots?" The salesman answers, "The first one is $1,000." "What does he know?" "He knows 10,000 words and 500 sentences and is able to solve mathematical expressions." "How a

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What do you get if you cross a worm and a young

| Insect jokes

What do you get if you cross a worm and a young goat ? A dirty kid !

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Denied membership in an exclusive country

| Movie and TV jokes

Denied membership in an exclusive country club because he was an actor, biblical epic star Victor Mature is reported to have said "Hell, I'm no actor, and I've got thirty movies to prove it!"

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This blonde and her boyfriend were sitting in a hot tub when the blonde said to her boyfriend, “Is it true that if you pull your finger out, I’ll sink?”