Sex between a man and a woman can be wonderful,

If you crossed a cow with Michael Jackson, what

| Cow jokes

If you crossed a cow with Michael Jackson, what song would you get? "Beeflt!"

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Swint and Fess, two Oklahoma cowboys, were

| Cowboy jokes

Swint and Fess, two Oklahoma cowboys, were resting their horses out on the range. "What'd Emmaline give yew for yore birthday?" asked Swint. "Pair of cufflinks," said Fess. "But I ain't got no use for them. I can't even find anyplace to get my wrists pierced."

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Flo: Try some of my sponge cake.

| Food jokes

Flo: Try some of my sponge cake. Joe: It's a bit tough. Flo: That's strange. I only bought the sponge from the chemist this morning.

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Why don't lawyers enjoy playing

| Lawyer jokes

Why don't lawyers enjoy playing golf? Because it's too much like work, what with all of the lying involved.

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What did the cannibal's parents

| Cannibal jokes

What did the cannibal's parents say when she brought her boyfriend home ? 'Lovely, dear, he looks good enough to eat!

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Sex between a man and a woman can be wonderful, provided you get between the right man and the right woman.