Because of a bad case of hemorrhoids, a gay

Q: How did a blind man drive his car?

| Blind jokes

Q: How did a blind man drive his car? A: One hand on the wheel; the other on the road.

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Doctor, Doctor will this

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Doctor, Doctor will this ointment clear up my spots ? I never make rash promises !

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Why do pigs run into trees?

| Pig jokes

Why do pigs run into trees? To shake out the alligators. I've never seen an alligator In a tree. That's because the pigs do such a good job.

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Q: How many bikers does it take

| Bicycle jokes

Q: How many bikers does it take to change a light bulb? A: It takes two. One to change the bulb, and the other to kick the switch.

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A woman accompanied her husband to the

| Marriage jokes

A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor's office. After his checkup, the doctor called the wife into his office alone. He said, "Your husband is suffering from a very severe stress disorder. If you don't follow my instructions carefully, your husband will surely die. "Each morning, fix

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Because of a bad case of hemorrhoids, a gay bottom goes to his doctor. The physician prescribes suppositories, but when it comes time to use them the young man is afraid he will do it wrong. So he goes into the bathroom and bends over and looks through his legs into the mirror to line up the target. All of a sudden, his penis becomes stiff, blocking his view. “Oh, stop it,” the young man scolds his organ, “it’s only me.”