If you crossed a gangster and a garbage man,

What does Dracula say to his victims?

| Vampire jokes

What does Dracula say to his victims? It's been nice gnawing you.

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Doctor: "Good news you passed your

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Doctor: "Good news you passed your hearing test!" Patient: "HUH"

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What do you call a 100 year old ant ?

| Ant jokes

What do you call a 100 year old ant ? An antique !

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Fisherman: What

| Fishing jokes

Fisherman: What are you fishing for sonny? Boy: I'm not fishing, I'm drowning worms.

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Q. What did the blonde

| Blonde jokes

Q. What did the blonde say when she knocked over a priceless Ming vase? A. "It's okay Daddy, I'm not hurt."

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If you crossed a gangster and a garbage man, what would you have? Organised grime (crime).