Why do computer teachers never get

Policeman: Why have you parked your bus

| Car and train jokes

Policeman: Why have you parked your bus here? Bus Driver: The sign says "Bus Stop."

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Two men were out hunting when one of them saw

| Hunting jokes

Two men were out hunting when one of them saw a rabbit. "Quick," said the first, "shoot it." "I can't," said the second. "My gun isn't loaded." "Well," said the first," you know that, and I know that, but the rabbit doesn't."

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What do you call a man who has been

| Dead and dying jokes

What do you call a man who has been dead and buried for thousands of years? Pete.

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Doctor, doctor, my

| Baby jokes

Doctor, doctor, my baby's swallowed a watch! Give it some Epsom Salts: that should help it pass the time.

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'It's a pity

| Criminal jokes

'It's a pity you've gone on hunger strike,' said the convict's girlfriend on visiting day. 'Why ?' 'I've put a file in your cake.

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Why do computer teachers never get sick? Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.