Why does Bill Clinton wear

What do you get if you cross a cat with a tree

| Cat jokes

What do you get if you cross a cat with a tree ? A cat-a-logue !

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Prosecutor: Mr. Clinton, did you have an

| Clinton jokes

Prosecutor: Mr. Clinton, did you have an improper relationship with Monica Lewinsky? Pres: Improper? ... Ain't nothing improper about that. That was one of the the sweetest interns I've ever had.

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Q: What was the most flexiest dinosaur?

| Dinosaur jokes

Q: What was the most flexiest dinosaur? A: Tyrannosaurus Flex.

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What do you get if you take a really big dog out

| Dog jokes

What do you get if you take a really big dog out for a walk ? A Great Dane out !

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Q: How many Serbs does it take to screw in a

| Ethnic jokes

Q: How many Serbs does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Two-one to shoot the old bulb out and one to screw the new one in.

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Why does Bill Clinton wear underwear? To keep his ankles warm.