Q: Why did Clinton choose Canada as the site

Igor: Only

| Monster jokes

Igor: Only this morning Dr Frankenstein completed another amazing operation. He crossed an ostrich with a centipede. Dracula: And what did he get? Igor: We don't know - we haven't managed to catch it yet.

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Q: How do you embarrass an archeologist?

| Dirty jokes

Q: How do you embarrass an archeologist? A: Give him a used tampon and ask him which period it came from.

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Where do spiders play their FA Cup

| Sport jokes

Where do spiders play their FA Cup final? Webley stadium!

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Passenger: Will this bus take me to New York?

| Bus jokes

Passenger: Will this bus take me to New York? Driver: Which part? Passenger: All of me, of course!

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Q: How do you find a blind man

| Dirty jokes

Q: How do you find a blind man in a nudist colony? A: It's not hard.

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Q: Why did Clinton choose Canada as the site for his summit with Yeltsin? A: So he could look up some college buddies who moved up there during the war.